Angled or Diamond Shaped Seven Treasures (No. 57)

Pattern information

USD $15.00 for a single pattern

This pattern is available in these sets:

diamond shaped seven treasures 5 patterns USD $13.00
Sashiko E2E 48 patterns USD $100.00


This is a beautiful pattern that generates the "star" as the diamonds stitch. Careful vertical placement of the row starting locations enhances the symmetry.

A-1 Quilting Machines
ABM Innova (pat, dxf)
APQS Quilt Path (hqf, qli, txt)
Autocad (dxf)
Babylock (qli)
CompuQuilter (cqp)
HandiQuilter (hqf, qli)
IntelliQuilter (iqp, dxf)
PC Quilter (txt)
QBOT (plt)
Quilt Magician (qli)
SideSaddle (ssd, cqp, qli)
Statler Stitcher (qli)

Patterns are available for immediate download after payment is completed.

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