Lewis and Clark Adventure, Lewis' Woodpecker (No. 723G)

Pattern information

USD $5.00 for a single pattern

This pattern is available in these sets:

Lewis and Clark Blocks 12 patterns USD $22.00


In Montana, Lewis "saw a black woodpecker." It was eventually named Melanerpes lewis - Lewis' Woodpecker. Here it pecks at a cottonwood Tree, also documented by the Corps. Cottonwood was important to the Indians and to the explorers for dugout canoes. A snake winds around the tree representative of the rattlers and other snakes that were recorded by the group.

A-1 Quilting Machines
ABM Innova (pat, dxf)
APQS Quilt Path (hqf, qli, txt)
Autocad (dxf)
Babylock (qli)
CompuQuilter (cqp)
HandiQuilter (hqf, qli)
IntelliQuilter (iqp, dxf)
PC Quilter (txt)
QBOT (plt)
Quilt Magician (qli)
SideSaddle (ssd, cqp, qli)
Statler Stitcher (qli)

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