Lewis and Clark Adventure, Clark's Nutcracker (No. 723C)

Pattern information

USD $5.00 for a single pattern

This pattern is available in these sets:

Lewis and Clark Blocks 12 patterns USD $22.00


In the area of modern-day Idaho Clark found a "bird of the woodpecker kind which fed on pine burs." Nicifraga Columbiana or Clark's Nutcracker. "...(Recorded Ordway, a member of the "Corps. ) we found a great quantity of red berries which grows on a handsome bush about as high as I could reach..." Hidatsaa children loved Buffalo berries which were very sour. After the frost they sweetened somewhat.

A-1 Quilting Machines
ABM Innova (pat, dxf)
APQS Quilt Path (hqf, qli, txt)
Autocad (dxf)
Babylock (qli)
CompuQuilter (cqp)
HandiQuilter (hqf, qli)
IntelliQuilter (iqp, dxf)
PC Quilter (txt)
QBOT (plt)
Quilt Magician (qli)
SideSaddle (ssd, cqp, qli)
Statler Stitcher (qli)

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